It's lucky we're a tropical region, the year the climate changed several times. Owning a home is very pleasant tropical, warm climate and rainfall in turn we feel. Because of such conditions, designing and decorating the house tropical require creativity and good planning. What should be considered in designing and decorating the tropical house? Here are 3 (three) important things you should consider ..
The High Temperature
Tropical house design should have a large aperture. Doors and windows with wide openings. The distance between the floor and the ceiling high, and vents for air circulation inside the house. Ventilation and air circulation is important for improving comfort and health of residents. Air pressure difference inside and outside the house makes the air is always moving, so the heat and humidity is not trapped inside the house. The use of ceiling or a concrete slab on a 2-story house between the ceiling allows air to hold the roof, so that the space underneath much cooler. Aluminum foil is also good to protect the house from overheating.
The High Rainfall
Tropical region we feel the two seasons with extreme differences, the hot dry season and dry, wet and rainy season with high rainfall. When the rainy season, make sure that the angle of the roof slope to drain the water quite quickly. For the tropics we can design a roof slope with an angle between 30 till 45 degrees. Awnings over windows to protect the direct sunlight and rain exposure. Note the arrangement of the roof covering element or connection, if you use make sure the connection between the roof tile is good enough so that water does not seep through the gap. If you are using metals such as zinc roofing, make sure the nail or screw was coated with rubber so that water does not seep. You can also use aluminum foil between the frame and roof rafters in order to avoid excessive heat and rain water seepage.
The High Humidity
High humidity increases the risk of building to the danger of mold and termites. Humidity can be overcome with sufficient sunlight. Do not get too much exposure to sunlight because it causes temperature rise inside the room, but also enough to cope with damp and kill the fungus. In the region which was traditionally we may know that the society opened the window wide open in the morning until noon. Removing the mattress and leave them to clean up mold and infestation. That was supposed to house tropical, ensure adequate supply of air and sunlight. Make sure all rooms get sunlight, to use the bathroom and grille bovenlicht wind. If you couple the house, use a blower to circulate air and make a play holes and skylights to absorb sunlight. So is the kitchen, keep it fresh. Use the exhauster to inhale smoke and give the window so that enough sunlight didindingnya. Remember, the kitchen is a potentially very large area inhabited by bacteria and fungi.
Thus 3 (three) things you should consider in planning a tropical house. Planning is good but make the stay comfortable and healthy homes also prevent you from losses finasnsial. Houses that are not well planned overhaul of risk occurs in the future and certainly wasting your money.